Monday, March 3, 2025

Layering Scene student videos!

 Marathon Runner by John Kenison

Nonverbal Videos:  Level One: Layering!  (Z-axis)

Notice how John Kenison creates characters and makes us into active viewers with his use of layering people along the z-axis in his video "Marathon Runner."
Other Layering videos from Fall 2016 semester:
Chris's video "The Merkin"
Grayson's video:
Fallon's video "Ultimate Disc Golf Challenge"
Levi's video "Umbrella"
Kyle's video "Under Ground"

Friday, February 28, 2025

Power Moves: student videos

Power Moves! Level One, Nonverbal Videos:
Notice the power move in Fallon Deatherage's "The Moonshiner." It's the POV shot when she gets the key to the jail.
Other Power Moves Videos from Fall, 2016:
Cole's "Midnight Bowl"
Grayson's "Heads Up"
Levi's "Blood Billz"
John's "Forest Wanderer"
Kyle's "Catfish"

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Subjective Camera Videos: student videos

Subjective Camera: Level One Nonverbal Videos:
Notice the multiple types of subjective camera techniques in Barb Wilmot's "School?"
Other Subjective Camera videos from the fall 2016 semester:
Alex S.'s "The Things We Cannot See"
Cole's "Bro-Code Breaker"
Justin's "Dream"
Missy's "School Con"
Alex M.'s "A Good Friend"

Monday, February 10, 2025

Inserts and Cutaways: student videos

It's a tie!  Two winners this week for inserts/cutaways.
 Chris Cardona's "The Last Laugh"
Notice Chris Cardona's use of inserts and cutaways in his video "The Last Laugh."

 Barb Wilmot's "The Cookie Caper"
Notice Barb Wilmot's use of inserts and cutaways in her video: "The Cookie Caper."
Other inserts/cutaways videos from Fall, 2016:
Alex S.  "Power and Determination"
Justin's "Ghost Dice"
Missy's "Take Me Fishing"
Alex M's "Stress Relief"
Brent's "Taco Tuesday"